Education in Kansas Video

This education video was created to try and support Public Education in the state of Kansas, which is currently under attack. Many of our best and brightest citizens are the result of a solid public education. This video details their support and the support of the community. Created Jan 8th, 2016.

About the video

My son, Zach, and I created a short video* to promote public education in Kansas — because we believe that an educated populace drives the economy, promotes democracy, and provides opportunities for everyone. And, it is in jeopardy. Kansans can be proud of what they have accomplished with the support of a solid public education, and our current students continue that tradition. If you also believe in public education for Kansas please:

1. Share this video on your Facebook page so that we can spread the word throughout Kansas, and

2. Write your legislators – even if they vote in support of public education – they need to hear from us!

For more information about the legislative decisions affecting public schools in Kansas Google: kasb key issues

*Special thanks to those starring in the video!

Watch the Video. Facebook embed may stretch.