Vertigo on Apple Watch

This short advertisement for specialized functionality for the Vertigo app was created to promote the app and its features. Created for Rodney Spears in 2016.

About Vertigo

The soundtrack of your life is no longer limited to static playlists or your imagination. Our patented technology empowers you to invite your friends, your followers or the world to share in every moment of your life in a new way – one where they can listen to your curated songs beat-for-beat while you layer in live video, audio and chat. Orchestrate an immersive experience, or simply sit back and listen together. How you vibe is up to you, we just amplify the connection.

To get started, just link your Apple Music or Spotify Premium account. Once you’re connected, you can live-stream your workout with your go-to soundtrack, get in the headphones of your favorite players’ warm-up playlists or get the inside story behind your favorite songs directly from the artists you love.

Although the Vertigo Apple Watch app was never successfully released, this teaser trailer was created to show off the app’s functionality and design.